Located in Luxembourg, at the heart of Europe, the European CivicTech Hub is a space for civic outside-the-box thinking & experiences, which suggests a new way to get involved and participate in the decision-making process of society.

ETICC in partnership with the Ministry of State and the University of Luxembourg joined their forces to study the creation and the development of a local, Greater Region and European CivicTech incubator, using innovative technologies and methods that match with citizen’s needs, and at the same time bringing them closer to Europe, institutions and public authorities.
What is a Civic Tech?
A CivicTech is a set of processes, tools, technologies, and innovations of the kind civic start-ups, which will help to improve a political, economic, and societal system.
These technologies help to increase citizens’ influence in the society on the one hand, and on the other hand make a government more accessible, efficient, and effective.
CivicTechs are aiming at creating and/or strengthening the democratic interaction between all the actors of the society.

Many citizens no longer feel understood by their representatives, lack trust in their institutions and political parties, and no longer understand the functioning and meaning of decision-making processes at both the local and European levels. New ways of governance are being organized to make a difference and allow the citizen the opportunity to act individually towards a destiny that is collectively chosen. The model of participative democracy, through civic technology, comes as an alternative through phygital platforms adapted to the citizen’s service.
More and more citizens’ initiatives, including Hubs of CivicTechs, have emerged in Europe, but not yet in Luxembourg. Besides, many opportunities and examples of best practices exist at the local, national, and regional levels (Greater Region), such as the system of e-petitions or the Luxemburgish digital eco-system Digital Lëtzebuerg. Through the creation of the CivicTech Hub, this commitment is going to explore this participative potential to (re) place the citizen at the center of the decision-making process by giving him the capacity to provide a critical and independent reflection on the major issues facing our society, to be better informed, to commit and interact with the political and administrative authorities

The concept of the CivicTech is in line with OGP principles, as they share this quest for transparency, participation, and the development of the power to act as a tool, relying on collective intelligence for beneficial efficiency for all and strengthening civil society.
Civic participation
The CivicTechs are complementary with the digital strategy of Luxembourg (Digital Lëtzbeuerg) and an undeniable step for electronic petitions (e-petitions), which help to develop a participative democracy in Luxembourg for all.
Public accountability
48% of the Luxembourgish population are foreigners counting more than 170 different nationalities. As of now, they do not have the right to vote at legislative elections in Luxembourg. Since 2022, foreign residents get the right to vote for municipal elections. CivicTechs can provide citizens a new way to participate in the political and civic life of the country.